full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Iseult Gillespie: The secret student resistance to Hitler

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In 1943 Allied aircraft swooped over Nazi Germany, raining tens of thousands of leaflets on people below. Written by amuynnoos Germans, the leaflets urged readers to renounce heiltr, to fight foilsuury for the future— and to never give up hope.
Their call to action rppleid through homes and businesses— and news of their message even reached concentration camps and prisons. It was only after the war had ended that the authors’ iteneiidts, seirtos, and tragic fate would come to light.
When Hitler seized power 10 years earlier, Hans and Sophie Scholl were teenagers in the town of Forchtenberg. At that time, fear, propaganda, and surveillance kept all aspects of life for the slchol family and millnois of other Germans under Nazi crnotol.

Open Cloze

In 1943 Allied aircraft swooped over Nazi Germany, raining tens of thousands of leaflets on people below. Written by _________ Germans, the leaflets urged readers to renounce ______, to fight _________ for the future— and to never give up hope.
Their call to action _______ through homes and businesses— and news of their message even reached concentration camps and prisons. It was only after the war had ended that the authors’ __________, _______, and tragic fate would come to light.
When Hitler seized power 10 years earlier, Hans and Sophie Scholl were teenagers in the town of Forchtenberg. At that time, fear, propaganda, and surveillance kept all aspects of life for the ______ family and ________ of other Germans under Nazi _______.


  1. millions
  2. control
  3. stories
  4. rippled
  5. furiously
  6. hitler
  7. anonymous
  8. identities
  9. scholl

Original Text

In 1943 Allied aircraft swooped over Nazi Germany, raining tens of thousands of leaflets on people below. Written by anonymous Germans, the leaflets urged readers to renounce Hitler, to fight furiously for the future— and to never give up hope.
Their call to action rippled through homes and businesses— and news of their message even reached concentration camps and prisons. It was only after the war had ended that the authors’ identities, stories, and tragic fate would come to light.
When Hitler seized power 10 years earlier, Hans and Sophie Scholl were teenagers in the town of Forchtenberg. At that time, fear, propaganda, and surveillance kept all aspects of life for the Scholl family and millions of other Germans under Nazi control.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
white rose 3

Important Words

  1. action
  2. aircraft
  3. allied
  4. anonymous
  5. aspects
  6. call
  7. camps
  8. concentration
  9. control
  10. earlier
  11. ended
  12. family
  13. fate
  14. fear
  15. fight
  16. forchtenberg
  17. furiously
  18. germans
  19. germany
  20. give
  21. hans
  22. hitler
  23. homes
  24. hope
  25. identities
  26. leaflets
  27. life
  28. light
  29. message
  30. millions
  31. nazi
  32. news
  33. people
  34. power
  35. prisons
  36. propaganda
  37. raining
  38. reached
  39. readers
  40. renounce
  41. rippled
  42. scholl
  43. seized
  44. sophie
  45. stories
  46. surveillance
  47. swooped
  48. teenagers
  49. tens
  50. thousands
  51. time
  52. town
  53. tragic
  54. urged
  55. war
  56. written
  57. years